Diablo 2 sorceress fire build
Diablo 2 sorceress fire build

diablo 2 sorceress fire build

Teleport and Static Field are the spells from this tree that all Sorceresses should consider as must-haves, no matter the elemental specialization.

diablo 2 sorceress fire build

Thunder Storm, at level 24, is the only promising area of effect powerhouse skill among the bunch.

  • The duration of the enchantment begins at 144 seconds and increases by 24 seconds per skill point.Īvailable at character level 24.
  • The extra damage dealt begins at 8-10 and increases by 1 with each skill point until it reaches 27-29 damage at level 20.
  • The casting cost for this spell starts at 25 mana and increases by five mana with each additional level.
  • Most Sorceresses won't want to bother with this spell, as they rarely partake in melee combat. Prerequisites: Warmth.Įnchant gives the weapon of the targeted character additional fire-based damage for the duration of the spell.
  • The length of the wall starts at 4 yards and increases by 1 yard per skill point.Īvailable at character level 18.
  • The duration of the flames begins at 4.6 seconds and increases by 1 second for each additional skill level.
  • The damage dealt begins at 32-42 per second and increases by 18 or 19 per skill point until it reaches 389-398 at level 20.
  • The casting cost for this spell starts at 22 mana and increases by two mana with each additional level.
  • Overall, this is one of the most useful spells in the game, and any fire-wielding Sorceress will want to add a few points here. Prerequisites: Inferno, Blaze.įire Wall raises a massive barrier of flames wherever cast, inflicting enormous damage on enemies that stand on top of the fire.

    Diablo 2 sorceress fire build