Dreadout 2 steam download
Dreadout 2 steam download

dreadout 2 steam download

New storyline that will shed some light into Linda’s mysterious journey.Find out more about Linda’s journey and dive deeper into DreadOut’s grand scheme of things.

dreadout 2 steam download

  • Explore in third person view and battle in first person view.
  • Solve mysterious puzzles obstructing Linda’s escape to liberation.
  • 2 brand new levels previously unincluded in DreadOut.
  • Work your way through 8+ supernatural realms in a nonlinear fashion.
  • Battle against 13+ specially designed ghosts originated from the twisted minds of our beloved backers, meticulously implemented into the DreadOut universe.
  • The doors you open will decide the outcome of Linda's fate. So, get your smart phone and SLR camera ready and choose your path wisely. They will stop at nothing to thwart your main objective: To survive!

    dreadout 2 steam download

    A portal of worlds that connects it to 8 haunted dominions where 13+ horrific ghosts are ready to greet her in the most terrifying way possible. Title: DreadOut 2 v1.1.4-CODEX + Update v1.1.7-CODEX Mirrors: Google Drive, Mediafire, Pixeldrain, Uptobox, Torrent Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror Developer: Digital Happiness Publisher: Digital Happiness Release. In this missing chapter, you will help Linda face the challenges of the DreadOut world with even more dangers lurking within.įollow the event in which Linda was transported by The Mysterious Lady in Red into The Mirror Realm. Free Download DreadOut 2 v1.1.4 PC Game - A unique take on third-person action-adventure survival horror with Indonesian supernatural in veins. About This Game It's time to experience DreadOut in a different way.ĭreadOut : Keepers of the Dark is a new standalone horror game that takes place in the DreadOut universe.

    Dreadout 2 steam download